P 2.5 LED Screens
What does NIT mean and why does it matter?
What does NIT mean when referring to LED screens – simply put the industry has settled on a standard that helps to discuss and compare LED signs and they call it a nit. Also referred to as “candelas per square meter” a nit is a unit of measurement for the total brightness over one square meter of an LED display. The value takes into account all of the contributing factors to brightness, such as the number of LEDs per pixel, the pixel pitch (link to explain) and the brightness of the individual pixels.
The nit measurement is different than the measurements of other light sources such as projectors and flashlights, they are measured in lumens. There is a very good reason for this as the light source gets further from the projected surface the light per square meter decreases; it, therefore, loses a lot of brightness and clarity.
With LED screens the light is projected outwards towards your eyes and is not absorbed by a secondary surface and this is why the nit count is important. For outdoor screens, the nit count is typically between 5000 and 8000 nits (Digital Marketing US screens have a nit count of 7000) as a comparison typical televisions range from 500 to 1000 nits and indoor LED signs from 1000 to 2000 nits.
Now we understand the basics of nits in the context of brightness to our screens let’s look to why it is important. With our outdoor screens, the display is competing with the sun – it not only competes with the brightness but also the duration of sunlight. The brighter the display the better able it is to compete with the sun.
What is Pixel Pitch?
Another term that is used a lot when understanding LED displays is pixel pitch. It describes the density of the LED pixels on the display and it is in direct relation to the resolution. It is the distance in millimeters from the center of a pixel to the center of an adjacent pixel. The smaller the pixel pitch means the less empty space between pixels. In a sentence pixel pitch refers to the density of the pixels.
Remember the smaller the pixel pitch equals higher pixel density which means the higher resolution. Viewing distance is in direct portion to the pixel pitch – the lower the pixel pitch the closer the viewing distance.
Determining the right pixel pitch for the right application is very important when deciding on the right screen for you, while higher pixel density delivers improved visual quality, it is not the ideal option for every situation. The lower the pixel pitch the greater the cost, which is not necessary over large distances – decide on your application before deciding on pixel pitch.
A good example would be to compare a large LED Billboard vs a LED display used in your establishment – if you were to use the same pixel pitch for the LED billboard as you would for the indoor display you would find the cost to be prohibitive to the application without any added benefit to how it looks to the viewer.

- Cut energy consumption up to 80%
- Provide a brighter / higher quality light
- Cut down maintenance Costs
- Expected ROI between (1.5 – 3 years)
- 5 Year Warranty
Want to attract more business?
Smart LED Concepts will work with your contractors and designers to create and illuminate custom lighting that will make your business shine.
Because Smart LED Concepts used LED fixtures in the venue, the running and maintenance cost is 70% less than venues that use traditional lighting methods.
Categories: Blog, Business, Commercial LED, Commercial Lighting, Electric, going green, Restaurant LightingDecember 18, 2018Share this post
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