Make Your Landscaping Great With LED Lighting

What Your Landscaping Lighting Says About You & Your Business
You are security conscious
- LED landscape lighting has many benefits and your personal and property security are high up on the list. A well-lit property will be much less attractive to vandals and thieves who love to commit nefarious acts in dark places. Unwanted people will not venture into a well-lit environment. A properly lit property is an ultimate deterrent to keeping unwanted guests away. In a recent article published by LED Magazine, it follows a case study that looked at the correlation between well-lit areas in New York and crime rates. What they discovered is that crime rates dropped by as much as 39% in areas that had a great lighting plan. You can read the report here
Fantastic Curb Appeal
- If you just look at the picture above it is a great Illustration of how to make a property stand apart from all the rest. Our LED Landscape lighting plan on this project consisted of a number of different elements on how best to light the property. First, you have the iconic backsplash on the property. The Louis F Wolff designed property was built in 1964 and it stands apart from any other building in Ft Lauderdale/Oakland Park. This property is a perfect example of why they should look to LED Lights to make a statement and increase your curb appeal. The light cube pillars, the curved mosaic reaching 8 stories into the sky, circular roof and beautiful palm trees. LED technology helped this building to reclaim is rightful place as a South Florida Legend – Imagine what it can do for your property. Check out this article in the new times for a bit of fascinating history on this building.
- Trips, slips, and falls are a part of everyday life but they are more common when you are on uneven and unfamiliar terrain. Unfortunately LED technology we cannot prevent such instances but it can significantly reduce the risks of accidents occurring. A badly lit property is a safety hazard and it is the responsibility of the property owner to make sure that all landscaped property is sufficiently well lit. Advances in LED technology has meant that you no longer have to choose between aesthetics and safety. You now can choose many different options, beam angles color changers and fixtures to compliment your landscape design plan. It is important to consider how you would like your landscape features to look at night as well as during the day. Proper planning can help you marry your need for safety and your desire to stand apart.
Fun and Entertainment
- “Let me entertain you” Robbie Williams. We are social creatures and we do most of our socializing at night. It makes a lot of sense therefore not to limit our entertainment spaces to indoors. A smart and gracious host will always maximize their space to create the best possible experience that their guests could hope for. Your landscape is an extension of your home and your personality. Like your home and person, you need to be able to show off your best features. Here LED lighting comes to the rescue again. Set the mood and tempo and adjust accordingly with smart control systems. Change the look of your property to suit the occasion – perhaps you are hosting a St. Particks day party – let’s go green or your favorite football team is having a night game, show your support by changing your garden or business to your team’s colors.
- Every well-designed landscape plan has many features that blend together to create an overall effect to compliment the property, whether it is your private property or your business. Landscape architects take a lot of time and care to ensure that your property is the best in the neighborhood. At Smart LED Concepts we believe it is or mission to help the designers further their vision. LED lights are never the star, they are the vehicle in which the star can shine (literally and figuratively). Your LED lighting plan should allow for enough power and underground conduit to placed in such a way to allow for extra lights to be added at a later date if needed. LED technology has evolved to have a light for almost any situation. It is essential that you speak to an expert when designing a lighting plan for your dream landscape project.

Environment and Power Savings
- Low Voltage LED lights are used for landscape lighting for safety and energy savings. We have reached a time with this technology that we can not only get the look we desire but we can save money by doing so. The initial cost of the lights may be a bit higher but the overall savings and benefits will be well worth it. Billionaire restauranteur Tillman Fertitta put our landscape lights through the test on CNBC’s Billion Dollar Buyer – check out the link to the show and see for yourself.
Remember proper landscaping needs proper lighting, this takes time planning and execution. Reach out to us today to learn more.

- Cut energy consumption up to 80%
- Provide a brighter / higher quality light
- Cut down maintenance Costs
- Expected ROI between (1.5 – 3 years)
- 5 Year Warranty
Want to attract more business?
Smart LED Concepts will work with your contractors and designers to create and illuminate custom lighting that will make your business shine.
Because Smart LED Concepts used LED fixtures in the venue, the running and maintenance cost is 70% less than venues that use traditional lighting methods.
Categories: Blog, Business, Commercial LED, Commercial Lighting, Electric, going green, Restaurant LightingDecember 18, 2018Share this post
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